21st Nov,The INNER PATH Festival,the Alliance Francaise de Delhi.
The Opening ceremony of film festival started at 6pm in the auditorium of the Alliance Francaise de Delhi. The inaugural film was ‘Matthieu Ricard: On the Path to Compassion’ , a French Documentary by Director Jeanne Mascolo de Filippis. Its a biography of Lama Matthieu Ricard, The official French interpreter for His Holines the Dalai Lama. After the movie Aruna Vasudev the president of NETPAC and the Directer of Festival ‘the INNER PATH’, came on stage and introduce Ani Choying Drolma. In the beginning she was hesitating to sing because of technical settings of the auditorium . She complained that the settings doesn’t suits to her. But some how she began with vedic prayer dedicated to the Guru ( spritual Master).