23 September 2015, Leh.The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh said that it was an amazing learning experience for him. “On reaching Tagyarmale post, I had the firsthand account of the situation near the Line of Actual Control (LAC)” he said. Shri Krishna Chaudhary, Director General of ITBP thanked the Union Home Minister for sparing three days out of his busy schedule for visiting forward areas being serviced by ITBP. He said that the entire ITBP family is extremely happy as the last night spent by the Union Home Minister with the Jawans at the Dungti BOP has raised their level of confidence and morale to take up their assignments more effectively.The Union Home Minister said that our ITBP jawans are working in extremely harsh and inhospitable conditions. “I salute the ITBP jawans & officers for their courage, steadfastness and their indomitable spirit to conquer all odds,” he said.
Shri Rajnath Singh has said that the government is committed to strengthen its road and telecom network to improve connectivity in the far flung border areas of the country.The ITBP jawans were thrilled to have the Union Home Minister amidst them. They also shared their harsh and treacherous working conditions and freely expressed their experiences with the Union Home Minister.
Concluding his three-day visit from 21st to 23rd September, 2015 to the Forward Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Rajnath Singh remarked that there are issues of road connectivity and telecom connectivity in Ladakh region where ITBP personnel are serving at very high altitude in the Forward Areas.
Shri Rajnath Singh had to travel to DBO, Track Junction, Murgo, Burtse, Chungtash, Chusul and Chumar Border Outs Posts (BOPs) yesterday and today but due to bad weather, the visit by air to these BOPs could not be possible. Shri Rajnath Singh immediately decided to visit Loma, Dungti and Tagyarmale , BOPs by road.
The Home Minister travelled about 400 km by road yesterday and perhaps become the first Home Minister to spend night at Dungti BOP in the forward area with ITBP Jawans. During his eight hours long journey, he interacted with local people at Hamiya and defence personnel at Chumathang.
Shri Rajnath Singh interacted with the Jawans at Tagyarmale BOP last night and Dungti, BOP today morning. On his return to Leh, he had a detailed interaction, with ITBP personnel and assured them that he will do his best to see that the “Him Veer” or “Him Putra” as he called the ITBP personnel, get all necessary assistance and care from the Government since they are committed for the safety and security of the country. He also lauded the role of ITBP in participating in the Swach Bharat and clean Ganga Programme started by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
Earlier, on the first day of visit, Shri Rajnath Singh had visited the ITBP camp at Samba in Jammu region. Addressing the jawans, he had said that terrorism, infiltration and border transgression should be stopped by the neighbours for better relations with India.