9 January New Delhi.The Union Minister for Food Processing Industries Ms. Harsimrat Kaur Badal has assured the PHD Chamber delegation led by its President Mr. Alok B. Shriram here today that the sector would have the minimum imposition of goods and service tax as and when it is rolled out and it would be its attempt to keep perishable agri products outside the purview of the GST.
The delegation of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry consisting its Sr. Vice President, Vice President and Executive Director Mr. Mahesh Gupta, Mr. Gopal S Jiwarajka and Mr. Saurabh Sanyal among others at office of the Minister for Food Processing Industries for a courtesy call.
Smt.Harsimrat Kaur Badal also indicated that the government is likely to extend preferred policy options for the food and food processing sector including agri business so that this sector is evolved for an exclusive growth to make sure that all stakeholders in it gain-in in an equitable manner.
Mr. Shriram appraise the minister that the government should evolve policies so that farm produce is effectively channelized to consumers with little losses as currently the post crops losses are enormous in the absence of adequate infrastructure.
On the issue of GST, the Chamber pressed for its execution as promised by the government by April 2016 as also requested that fair and effective food standards be evolved to ensure its quality and exports.
News Source:- PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry