The Industrial Technology Consultancy Organisation Tamil Nadu (ITCOT) would prepare the detailed project report (DPR) for the Kings Maritech Eco Park promoted by Kings Infra Venture Ltd. The DPR covering the financial, ecological, technological, and social impacts of the project is expected to be completed in eight weeks.
Kings Infra and ITCOT teams during the meeting at Chennai
Speaking after assigning ITCOT for preparing the DPR Shaji Baby John Chairman and Managing Director of the Kings Infra Venture said the Maritech Eco Park project aims to harness the latest advances in technology for developing eco-friendly and sustainable aquaculture with a substantial increase in the income of farmers.
“The Kings Maritech Eco Park is conceived as a system that would provide plug and play facilities to aqua farmers in terms of technology, government schemes, marketing, procurement, and other services,” Shaji Baby John said. Elaborating on the need for synergy in the sector Mr. Shaji Baby John said numerous schemes under the central and state governments for providing financial and technical assistance to aquaculture and fisheries needed integration. “A professional solution provider capable of building the necessary synergy would be of immense help for farmers to derive maximum benefit from these schemes,” he added. According to Shaji Baby John, the Maritech Eco Park project would be an important component in realizing the national goal of Rs. 100,000 cr export revenue from the fisheries sector in the country. Aquaculture shrimp currently accounts for nearly 70 percent of the Rs. 43,720 cr fisheries products exported from the country.
The DPR, apart from the social impact assessment, would focus on a financial matrix of the Maritech Eco Park, ecological impacts, and the technological innovations of the venture. The project is part of the efforts by Kings Infra Ventures Ltd. to develop world-class infrastructure and support services with a special focus on aquaculture and allied businesses.
Kings Maritech Eco Park Ltd. (KMEPL) an SPV floated by Kings Infra Ventures Ltd. would provide plug and play service for multi-species indoor precision aquaculture using sustainable technologies. The KMEPL would facilitate availing of all government subsidies and technological support for farmers setting up their units in the Park. The Park conceived a Centre of Excellence would also promote a green environment, ecological balance, and environment-friendly concepts.
The park would showcase the role of aquaculture and mariculture production systems in improving food production, doubling farmers’ income, improving livelihoods in coastal areas, combating global warming and climate change while earning precious foreign exchange.
Kings Infra Ventures
Kings Infra Ventures, a technology-driven sustainable aquaculture company has been credited with setting a world record by harvesting L. Vannamei shrimps weighing 80 gm (210 mm) in its pond-based aquaculture farms by implementing its SISTA360 proprietary technology. A listed company in BSE, Kings Infra is known for leveraging its rich experience and domain expertise to enhance its technological fineness by entering into agreements with global corporate firms and academic institutions.
Industrial Technology Consultancy Organisation Tamil Nadu (ITCOT) specializes in providing project consulting services in all stages – Enterprise Promotion, Business Finance, Project Management, Engineering, and Disinvestment. Services are delivered through competence, creativity, care, and consistency to propel enterprises. ITCOT with more than four decades of experience in the Preparation of Feasibility Studies for a variety of Projects coupled with a well-networked team of consultants enjoys “Numero Uno” status in this area.