As India lifted the Asia Cup trophy without losing a single match in the tournament, skipper MS Dhoni said they were well on track for the World Twenty20, beginning in two days time. India were dominant in their win against Bangladesh in the final, chasing 121 with eight wickets in hand and seven balls to spare.
Dhoni himself finished the match with a six off Amin Hossain and he said, the top order batsmen with their superb show is making it easy for the side.
“Asia Cup is one tournament that happens every alternate year. So you don’t get a lot of opportunity. Once you get an opportunity, it is important to get to the final and once you are there you look to win.”
“Thanks to top-oder batsmen. They have done the bulk of the job, the lower order batsmen just go and do what is needed after that. It’s looking very good now, we are on track for the World T20,” Dhoni said at the post match presentation.
Man-of-the-match Shikhar Dhawan, who struck 60, said it was a “special” knock for him.
“It’s special. The best thing is that we won. As a team we have worked hard. We are peaking at the right time. We were talking while chasing runs. We were comfortable during the chase, never felt the pressure. We were under control,” Dhawan said.
Virat Kohli said it was a tricky situation out there.
“Rohit getting out early made it tricky but credit to Shikhar for the way he batted. He delivering when the team needed the most. The 94 stand (with Dhawan) was the game changer,” he said.