In a time where masala entertainers add to the film’s success, it is content-driven cinema captivating everyone’s attention. The recently released film ‘Aa Bhi Ja O Piya’ has proved that content is king. Starring ‘Yaariyan’ Actor Dev Sharma and South fame Smriti Kashyap, the film hit the cinemas on October 7, 2022. Released by K Sera Sera on 600 screens in India, ‘Aa Bhi Ja O Piya’ has grossed Rs. 14.10 crores at the Indian box office.
‘Aa Bhi Ja O Piya’ Poster
The film is set in a rural Indian backdrop and has a positive takeaway for the audience. ‘Aa Bhi Ja O Piya’ has beautifully depicted a romantic tale of a city-educated guy Kaushal who falls in love with Kalpana. Kaushal owns a nursery in Jharkhand’s village where he meets Kalpana who is on a research tour with her mother and driver. Keeping the love angle in mind, Director Rajesh Harivansh Mishra has also showcased the village tradition of protecting the trees.
Through this flick, the Director conveys a powerful message about the importance of trees in our environment. On top of it, the romantic tale has managed to keep the audience engaged. As the film has a rock-solid first week, the Director is filled with joy. He said, “I cannot contain my excitement with the love the film has received. It only encourages me to do better with upcoming projects.”
In addition, Rajesh revealed that he wanted to let the youth know about the ancient tradition of protecting trees. “Even today, people in small towns and villages tie a bandage to a tree. The youth needs to understand the adverse effects of deforestation and rather plan trees for a sustainable future,” added the Director.
Moreover, Producer Binay Mehta expressed his happiness about the film raking in a great moolah at the box office. “Viewers have become choosy in today’s time. They know what to watch and what not to watch. We had a limited release, but the love that the film has received is extraordinary. It has motivated us to bring more high-on content cinema for everyone,” said Mr. Binay.
Besides Binay Mehta, ‘Aa Bhi Ja O Piya’ was bankrolled by Umesh Rana, Shambhu Mehta and Anand Mathur. Produced under the banner Johar Entertainment, the film has successfully entered the second week and has a decent hold across theatres in the country.