Tamil Nadu’s first AI enabled Ultreon OCT with Angiography Co Registration System (OCT-ACR) was launched at Kauvery Hospital Alwarpet
The Optical Coherence Tomography with Angiography Co Registration (OCT-ACR)…
Robotic Kidney Transplant Performed on a Man Aged 24 by Kauvery Hospital Alwarpet
The Robotic Technology is minimally invasive and provides faster…
Kauvery Hospital (Alwarpet) Performs India’s First Case of Intracardiac Echo Guided Lambre Left Atrial Appendage Conclusion
Man aged 80, with atrial fibrillation, was treated with…
Kirtilals Launches it’s “Experiential Techno Bridal Studio” for the Brides-to-be at Alwarpet Showroom, Chennai
Kirtilals, the premium fine diamond and gold jewellery brand, trusted by…